How signage is vital for your business

Signage is one of the most inexpensive but yet powerful sources of advertising medium available but yet it is constantly taken for granted. Many business owners do not have signage as part of their business models or their advertising budgets; signage is the last thing they think of. I have lost count of the amount of times I have been called up to create, manufacture and install signage a week or two before the client opens their doors for business. Your business signage is not just a street directory it is a reflection of your business, product and yourself.  When a potential customer drives or walks past your store you have about 3 seconds to convey to the customer who you are, what you do and what you sell. The potential customer has to be able to read clearly all those things before they may decide to come in. Effective signs must be visible and conspicuously call attention to the business. Advertising in newspapers or in magazines may be effective but they all come at great cost. The potential customer than has to make their way to your store assuming your advertisement was successful in attracting the customer; they also have to find your store. If you are in a great location where drive by traffic is high, half the job is already done. The potential customer is already driving or walking past your door step, this is where great signage can potentially lead to greater profitability. Unless you are a major corporation or an extremely successful large business you probably cannot afford to advertise 365 days a year 24hrs a day can you? Signage will give you exposure for 365 days a year 24hrs a day it is a permanent inexpensive way to advertise.

Take time to think how you want your business and products / services portrayed in signage and how you want your customers to perceive your business in the 3 seconds they go by your store. Get your message across clearly. Common problems include too many signs, ambiguous or misleading messages, spelling errors or signs that are difficult to read. If you are in an area where there is a lot of signage, make your signage stand out don’t get lost amongst the masses. If you have invested in a great location, you must take advantage of this opportunity to promote your business and let it be known you are there.

Until now we have been only discussing shop front advertising. To increase your exposure even more vehicle graphics and wraps are a cost effective form of advertising with a potentially large return. Any business that does not utilize its vehicles is missing out on a superb way to reach new customers. An advert in any online or telephone directory only reaches the people that are specifically searching for your product, but a company vehicle is seen by hundreds and possibly thousands of people every single day. With more vehicles being supplied on lease contracts, imagine how many potential new customers would see your ‘advert’ over the course of a year.

Promotional signage including A-boards, swing signs, window graphics and floor graphics are also very effective to get your business noticed. This type of signage is ideal for use when trying to attract passing trade from the general public. Many newsagents, estate agents and travel agents use pavement signs to show their latest offers or best deals.

The list of signage possibilities go on and on but your choice of signage doesn’t need to be that difficult. Call our friendly team at Avanti Signs and we can offer you the best solutions based on your specific needs. We also have a graphic design team that can help with logo and graphics creation.

Please read our types of signage page to get a better understanding of the type of signs available and the effect they can have on your business.

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